Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday!

Is coming right at you with three more hours left to this Wednesday!  It is with a most thankful heart that I want to tell you what our friends have done . . .

My PMR (polymyalgial rheumatic) is not doing what I want it to do - mainly healing and going far, far away!  So after a long conversation with Sam on Sunday, we decided that I would use "Sign Up Genius" to see if some of our friends would be available to help with Micah's graduation party on June 30.

I cannot tell you how blessed and thankful we are that . . .
  • Neighbors Jill (plus one!) and Nancy, along with friend, Cindy, are going to help us decorate the church.  They're all far taller than I am - it's going to be great!
  • Dear friends Jana and Heidi have offered to take care of the food the very first hour;
  • With long time friends (think early '80's) Julie and Sue taking care of food the second hour;
  • Neighbors Nancy and Mary have agreed to taking care of the food the last hour - even after I accused them them of taking that slot so that they could eat all that they wanted and save me from having to bring anything home;
  • Friends JP and Rosemary (met JP in 1980!) and Ann and Mike (met Ann in 1982!) are going to stay and help us clean up.
I am feeling beyond blessed and fortunate and NOT at all stressed out!  Indeed, it is a most Thankful Thursday!

"Friends, I believe in you,
Think of you,
And pray for you.
And when another day is through,
I'll still be friends with YOU!"
(Eagle Lake Camp 1985) 

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