“What do you want to be when you grow up?” 12 year old Ulrich was asked.
“I want to be tall like my friends”.
Ulrich (Junior), orthopedic patient, before surgery.

Even experienced nurses aboard the Africa Mercy had never seen a case quite like Ulrich’s. Born with dislocated knees and a condition known as Quadriceps Contracture, his legs had been forced to bend severely backwards to compensate for a lack of muscle growth that had not developed at the same rate as his bones.

His mother tried various attempts to get her son surgery, but the amount of money this would cost along with the complexity and severity of his condition, meant her hopes were soon crushed : “Surgeons wouldn’t touch him” Georgette recalls, “It was hard to see him hurting. When he hurts, I hurt”.

But despite the stares and ridicule from strangers, Ulrich had learned to adapt to his condition. He’d walk for miles with sticks he’d made from old branches and learned to climb trees higher than any other boy in his village: “When they couldn’t reach the tallest Papaya, they’d call me! I’d be able to get it!”
Videographer Caleb Brumley carring patient Junior on his back
Our videographer Caleb, giving Ulrich a piggy back ride

But this adapted lifestyle was taking its toll on Ulrich who began to experience pain in his hands from supporting his body weight, and sore joints when he tried to walk long distances: “I was worried that if I was feeling such pain now, it was only going to get worse as I got older”.

Ulrich (Junior), orthopedic patient, before surgery.
Ulrich began to find it increasingly difficult to help out around the house, collect firewood and fetch water: “I was scared to grow up like that, I didn’t want this to be all my life was ever going to be”. When asked how it made him feel to be unable to help his mother, Ulrich’s response was an answer no 12 year old should have to give to any question…

“It broke my heart.”

While the Africa Mercy doesn’t specialize in fixing broken hearts, its orthopedic program aimed to fix more than just his legs. Volunteer surgeon Dr. Frank Haydon (USA), who has seen all manner of orthopedic deformities during his eight years with Mercy Ships, was shocked by Ulrich the day he arrived on the dock: “He moved like an insect. Like a cricket. I’d never seen anything quite like it” said Dr. Frank. “Just when I think I’ve seen the worst case I’ve seen in my career, I meet the next Ulrich and it keeps me going”.
Dr. Frank Haydon, Orthopedic Surgeon, performing an operation.
Ulrich’s first operation with Dr. Frank Haydon – volunteer orthopedic surgeon
Ulrich, with one leg straightened and one to go, smiling in the ward.

For a while this was my favourite photo of Ulrich – one leg down and one to go! But his smile shows we were more than half way through the transformation we would see in his life. Following several complex surgeries on the Africa Mercy, Ulrich woke up to two straight legs in casts that he struggled to believe were his own.

Robyn Porep, Physical Therapist, helping Ulrich do some leg exercises.

His first attempts to stand on them saw him reach up high to see if he could touch the ceiling: “The first time he walked, he was straight into his Mother’s embrace” said volunteer nurse Kirsten Murphy (USA), who supported Ulrich during his time onboard the ship: “It was the first time he had been able to hug her since standing tall”.

Ortho patient Ulrich showing how tall he is now with happy nurses around

After a long and thorough journey through rehabilitation, Ulrich began learning to use his legs in a way he never had before. Learning to walk correctly for the first time at 12 years old… can you even imagine what that must have been like? I can’t.


Now, with straightened legs and a new start in life, he is finally excited for his future which he hopes will include school to get a good education: “Before, when I would walk in the street, people would stare at me. They thought I was just a handicapped person and they treated me differently. Now, they will look again”.

Ulrich, orthopedic patient, stands joyfully with his newly straightened legs.

When the time came to say goodbye, Ulrich slowly but surely walked up to his surgeon Dr. Frank on his straightened legs and handed him a gift – his old walking sticks. Standing tall and able to look into the eyes of his peers, he knew he wouldn’t be needing them anymore.

Ulrich, orthopedic patient, stands joyfully with his newly straightened legs.