Thursday, February 26, 2015

Updates from the ship . . .

Today's post is reblogged from Jaclyn Vlievernicht's blog, "my life as a nurse on the Africa Mercy" because I enjoyed a quick visit with the patients and I hope you will, too!

Recently I have had the privilege of taking care of some awesome patients.

Billy is a sweet 12-year-old boy who had his cleft palate repaired.  He was pretty somber the first few days after surgery, having issues with some pain and nausea, but he has now just come to life.  I walked into the Ward yesterday for my shift and Billy ran over and gave me a fist pound, “doona”, with a huge smile on his face.  We kicked a small ball around in the hallway and played some Dominoes, after he did his cleft palate exercises of course!  These consist of saying sounds, moving the tongue repetitively to gain strength, and breathing through the mouth instead of through the nose.  Billy’s dad has also been great to hang out with.  He is so grateful for the care we are giving Billy, even making a sign above Billy’s bed that says:  “Greeting with peace.  We all thank God and the Mercy Ships crew as well.  God Bless you all.  Amen.”  He knows some English and is teaching me some Malagasy words.  We were playing Dominoes and I was counting up our points in Malagasy… but the numbers just won’t stick!  I guess I should put in some study time…..

Another patient I have enjoyed is Hery.  I have talked about Hery before.  He had noma as a child and had three surgeries with us to repair his nose and eye.
His last surgery was last week Thursday, and he is being discharged to the Hope Center today!  He was excited to get to see his friends, Mamisy, Fernan, and Fali (who have all been discharged there), but sadly I had to tell him that Mamisy went home!  A couple days travel away… I wish Hery would have been able to tell him goodbye, because sadly these guys will probably never see each other again.  :(  It is great to see patients be discharged to the Hope Center or to home, but it is also sad after seeing the relationships that are formed between the patients and families from different provinces, speaking different dialects of Malagasy and having different customs.  Hery and I have enjoyed a few games of Jenga recently.  He put some stickers I got in a package from home on his forehead yesterday (crazy Hery, as always).  He was taught to do his own wound care and eye drops yesterday.  He is ready to go!  It has been so cool to see his transformation…
Heather, Hery, and his bling.
me and Hery yesterday.
Sambany is still doing great!  He is working on his physical therapy exercises and can hold his head straight quite well.  Wounds are healing.  Skin is tightening up.  And he is well on his way to discharge soon.  His 18-year-old grandson is learning to read and write from an outpatient nurse who volunteers her time after her shift is over.  Yesterday he was laughing at me as I read phrases he had written in Malagasy, such as “Get out of here!”  What a blessing to be able to care for Sambany and see his grandson flourish, too.
Photo Credit Katie Keegan
me and Sambany–post 7.4 kg tumor removal!
Sambany’s grandson, Flavy.
These stories are ones that I love to report!  But sadly, we can’t always provide the healing we desire to.

Yesterday evening I admitted a young 14-year-old girl, Elizette, for her surgery today.  Elizette, although quiet, seems to be a very proud and brave young girl.  She does not attempt to hide her facial tumor at all, as others do.  She barely flinched as I put her IV in (18 gauge, nonetheless).  She sat still as the doctors probed her face and mouth to determine tumor borders.  She listened intently as I did her preoperative teaching.  Her father is a kind and very thankful man.  He said “misaotra betsaka” to me so many times last evening as I cared for her and him.  Elizette had been screened in the past by nurses and a surgeon and had CT scans done, but after further review by a couple surgeons and anesthesiologists yesterday it was decided that surgery was too risky.  Elizette has a tumor with a seven year history.  The tumor appears to be underneath her chin and jaw mainly, but on CT examination it extends into her neck and even her chest wall.  The tumor is very vascular and full of lymphatic drainage.
Beautiful Elizette.
Elizette is being told this morning that we are unable to operate on her due to the extensiveness of the tumor.  What sad news to deliver to this young girl, so full of hope and promise.  Depending on how quickly the tumor grows, Elizette will more than likely die from suffocation.  I have been grieving over this young girl and her hopeful father last evening and today, but this morning I was reminded that God is faithful.  Even though I don’t understand why this young girl will not be relieved of her suffering in this world, I know that God is faithful even through hardship.  Psalm 86:15 says, “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”

Please pray that the love and kindness we are able to give Elizette and her father in the short time they are with us on the ship will be a reassurance of God’s everlasting love for them.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  
Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?  
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”  
– Romans 8:35,37

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

They're all ugly!

At our house, the rule of Christmas tree ornaments is "the ugly ones go in the back".  So around Christmas, as Sam and I were walking through the neighborhood, we saw that newlyweds Kevin and Kayla had put their Christmas tree up in front of their picture window.  Our question then became, "Do you put the ugly ornaments on the front of the tree so the neighbors can't see them, or do you still put them on the back of the tree and just not care?"  Well, today I ran into Kayla and got that all important question answered.  She laughed and said, "They're all ugly!  They're hand-me-downs from our grandma's or stuff we made when we were little, so it doesn't matter!"  

Monday, February 23, 2015

No brainer!

Matt ran out in his stocking feet to start his truck this morning and then came back in and put on his shoes, grabbed his backpack and said, "Mom, where are my keys?  I can't find them!"  Then it dawned on him . . . they were in the truck!

Coldest Run So Far!

The air temp was minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit when Annie and I went for our run this morning!  But it sounds so much colder in Celcius - minus twenty-five degrees!  Brrr . . . 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"R" is for "Red Robin"

Today we celebrated Matt's 18th birthday at Red Robin and it was so much better than the "Fuddrucker Failure" of last week!  We had actually been there last in June 2014 (before Micah and I left for Texas) and they had totally remodeled the inside.  It was packed, but quieter.  And there, the men began to dream about a backpacking trip to Europe this summer.  Stay tuned as we shall see!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

What we do for fun!

Yesterday afternoon, I met with the course manager of Sand Creek Adventures and together we worked out an emergency action plan for Sand Creek.  If there is an injury on the course, what is our plan of action?  We started off with what is the worst thing you can imagine happening and we went with a heart attack on the zip line.  In our minds we had a larger, overweight male go unconscious while in the air - and now we needed to rescue him and potentially provide CPR.  Scary thought, eh?  I may need a new day job.  Kidding - I know what to do!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Birthday, Matt!

Wasn't it just yesterday that we were laughing and playing in Africa . . .

And they were little!  Now they're both taller than I am and Matt's 18, ready to move on to life's next adventures!  May our mighty God hold you tightly in His hand no matter where you go!  Happy Birthday!


Sunday, February 15, 2015

"F" is for Fuddruckers

Here we are at Fuddruckers, trying to eat our way through the alphabet!  Gladly, "F" was my letter and I got to pick the restaurant because it was my birthday last week.  Sadly, February is half done and we're only on our second letter.  Gladly, we know we don't have to go in alphabetical order.  Sadly, Matt is now in bed - we're all thinking "food poisoning" and "gee, let's never go back!"  Obviously, "Fudd's a dudd!"

Stay tuned as the alphabetic adventure continues - for another year or two! 

Birthday Songs!

Yup, I celebrated another one this week - complete with a chocolate chip cookie with a candle on top!  And my thought was, if I had two songs to stake my life on one would be "We Believe"  by the Newsboys (above) because I do believe!  And "That Kind of Faith" by OBB because that is how I want to live my life!


A Valentine to Remember!

Our group minus Jamison who was snapping the picture

I can not even begin to tell you how much fun we had at Feed My Starving Children last night!  From our five-year old boy wonder who never complained even though it was beyond his bedtime to our teens who never stopped talking and laughing while producing 17 boxes of food to send to Liberia!  As a whole group, we prepared enough food to feed 62 children for a year!  Take a peek . . . 

Angela and Austin's first time at FMSC
6th Graders at Work
Tara and the Teens

Did I mention the teens?
Sam and Austin packing boxes!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tonight we'll be packing meals at
Feed My Starving Children
with two other families
and the result will be a "Happy Valentine's Day"
some where in the world.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Only in the Kingdom . . .

Today's post is being reblogged from "Marina on a Mercy Ship".  Marina and Carol (whom you'll soon meet!) were at the On-Boarding program last summer in Texas and we became good friends with both.  Let me just say, I have never seen Carol - who had the latest and greatest outfits - look like this before.  To God be the glory!

What a Load of Crap

I got your attention didn't I? But really, look at this...

Gross, huh? Well a pile of compost can do a whole lot of good. I wouldn't call myself a agriculture expert, a gardener, or even someone who knows a little bit about turning garbage into nutrients for the ground, but I know there is great potential for this pile. Well, this is a pile in the middle of a field. That field is owned by the Ambatovy mining company. It is on loan, under the care of a Malagasy man (Ramirar), and it is the home of change. I don't know exactly how this partnership started but somehow our Hotel Engineer was involved and we are now putting our food waste to good use.

The fruit peels, unwanted food, spoiled food, food that gets scraped off people's plates at the end of a meal gets put into white buckets. The buckets get brought to this field everyday (except Sunday because Ramirar goes to church). There are only a few people that volunteer to load up the buckets, drive to the field, help Ramirar dump them, bring the buckets back, and wash them out, so they can be used again. Carol is one of these people. It is better if she has a buddy to ride along with her, so I asked if she needed anyone this past week. I went with her on Tuesday and Thursday, bright and early. We loaded up the buckets, drove to the field, picked up Ramirar at his house (which is on the outside of the field), drove to the pile, Carol unscrewed the lids, Ramirar dumped the buckets, I put the lids back on, and Carol loaded them back up.

Marina is in red and Carol in gray

So thank you Carol, for letting me ride along, for being willing to get dirty, and to showing your love to all the people you meet along the way!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

There's a bug!

There's a bug going around Sam's school!  Yesterday, the nurse sent home 42 students - that's like six an hour, although I bet it wasn't that orderly!  And she sent them home with both ends doing overtime - if you get what I mean.  Today, there were 73 students absent - some because they were sick and some because they didn't want to get sick.  Sam had seven students missing from his room alone.  If you're thinking about volunteering, I probably wouldn't go there this week!  Just saying . . .

Miracles Happen Behind This Door

Reblogged from the "Cash Family Blog" that you may rejoice in another miracle on the good ship.



It's the door to the Operating Theatre of the Africa Mercy.  

A friend said it well on Facebook: "Just thinking of how many miracles take place behind that door... So many lives changed, saved and blessed. And so thankful for the surgeons, nurses, anesthetists, sterilizers, lab techs and so many more who work long after normal hours to make a difference for even just one person."
photo credit: KJ
On most days, multiple surgeries happen in each of the ORs...except yesterday.  Yesterday, one of the ORs only had one surgery.  And it was a long one.  12+ hours.  A surgery to remove what our Chief Medical Officer described as the "largest tumor he's seen in his 28 years of operating." (16.45 lbs ... 2 newborn babies worth!).  A tumor that this man has been carrying for 19 years.  

Photo Credit: Mercy Ships
Some prepared him for surgery.  Some prepared the instruments and tools.  Some (17 crew members) gave blood. Some drew that blood and had it ready for delivery.  Some held the scalpel.  Some handed the scalpel.  Some made sure the anesthesia was administered properly and continually.  Some prepared and served the meals so that the doctors and nurses could take a break to eat.  Some made sure the lights were working.  Some made sure the temperature of the room was just right. Some made sure he had the meds he needed so that his wake up and recovery would be as peaceful as possible.  Some worked into the wee hours of the morning to make sure the OR was ready for more miracles to happen today. Some are taking care of him right this very moment.

photo credit: Mr. Ally
And some prayed...some all over the world prayed.  

Each plays a part...each one makes each surgery possible.

And this man is looking at a whole new future.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Who's going to win?

At our Super Bowl Party this evening, Micah is having us predict the winner by choosing to eat a slice of cake that represents the winning team!  Will it be the Seahawks or Patriots?

Don't they look great?