Thursday, July 30, 2015

September 10

I finally got a call from the Brain Injury Clinic today and the earliest they can get me in to the clinic at Abbott is September 10.  I couldn't stop myself from asking, "What do you do if someone seriously needs help?  I mean, I just stutter when I'm tired and words don't come and I'm light sensitive . . ."  And she had no answer, but she did say if I was willing to go to the clinic at United, they could see me on August 21st!  No brainer!  I'll be there at 8:00 a.m. that Friday, ready for an entire day of testing!  Thanks for praying!  

My Pacer!

I was swimming laps in the pool today when Glen turned to me with a smile and said, "I've got to go now so I won't be able to pace you any more!"  I laughed and I laughed hard!  Glen is 78, does the side stroke and maybe swims one lap in the time I do three!  Definitely my pacer!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's a boy!

I got to my OB/GYN appointment early today - and they got me in early today - and then came the knock on the door.  "Your doctor has been called upstairs to deliver a baby.  Do you mind waiting?"  A few minutes later, in walked the doctor.  "No baby yet, but it's coming.  It's their fourth.  It'll be fast."  I had just changed into a lovely gown and was sitting on the table, chatting with the doctor, when another knock came on the door.  "You have to go NOW!"  When Wanda came back, she had delivered a 8 pound, six ounce baby boy!  Congratulations!  And I still left on time!

Oh, What a Deal!

Sam and I went to Dick's Sporting Goods last night so I could get a new swimsuit.  When we got there, I found out my favorite brand, Uglies, were on sale for $19.98 - a $24.00 savings per suit!  I walked out with these two suits for a total of $15.00, compliments of that $25.00 gift card from Sam and Cooper!  Thanks, guys!

Friday, July 24, 2015

A Most Delicious Laugh . . .

I was team building with a group of adults from Ryan Corporation down on the Sand Creek Low Ropes Course this afternoon when through the trees came a sound that can only be described as "a most delicious laugh".  We stopped what we were doing and everyone listened with a smile on their face . . .

You see, we also had a group of children from the Shriner's Hospital there at the same time and I had worked with them earlier on the high ropes course.  Imagine missing a limb and being up here . . .

Some struggled, some were scared, some were quite amazing.  After the ropes course and lunch (which they shared!), the kids took off for the zip line while I went down to the low ropes and that's where we heard . . .

a most delicious laugh!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


First we heard the city was going to pick up "the trail of the storm" - have all your limbs and branches out on the curb.  Then we found out the city was not going to pick up anything, so Sam spent yesterday bundling backyard branches in 2 foot by 3 foot bundles, ten for our yard waste pick up and ten for neighbor Don's.  Ten was the pick-up limit and all of our neighbors were fine with us putting out ten bundles a week in their various yard wastes on their pick up days until the trees were gone.  After all, we had until November 15 when yard waste pick-up ended for the season.

(Compare that to $300.00 for a dumpster or $60.00/visit to a yard waste drop off facility - our budget couldn't handle it and feed Matt, too!)

Then, I heard the word "easement" from neighbor Alice and we began to pursue "easement".  Three phone calls later, we scored!  The fact that our pine tree was less than 14 feet from the fire hydrant and a light pole put it in the "easement" zone.  And the city is outside right now chipping our pine tree up into memories!  Glory! Thanks be to God!   

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blessed . . .

That's all I could think as I drove to work last Saturday - "I am blessed."  Because, you see, when I pulled up the shades Saturday morning, this is what greeted me . . .

When Annie and I went out to look at the backyard, it was even worse up close . . .

The saddest view was the front yard . . .

But I was blessed because I still had a house that was intact, no one was hurt, and the basketball hoop missed Sam's car completely.

I returned home from work sometime after 5.  The pine tree was off of the neighbor's driveway and in a neat pile in the front yard.  I found the culprits in the backyard, going after half an elm.  It turns out that our next-door neighbor, Nancy, and our across-the street neighbors, Dave, Tron and Mya, and our down-the-road neighbor. Bob. were there with chain saws, cutting and piling and clearing.  

I did what any good neighbor would do - I bought the pizza!

And that's . . .

  the number of miles I swam through this morning at the Y -

1, 234!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

God-Ordained Visit

I had the privilege of working at Sand Creek yesterday and we had a couple of wild groups.  The first group was Rob's Surprise Birthday Party.  As I was putting one of Rob's friends up on the high ropes, I thought I smelled alcohol, but since I don't really have a good nose for sniffing out things like that, I decided to let him go.  He probably would have argued with me anyway, saying he has just dropped a beer on his shirt.  However, I did catch the group saying they had beer in the car . . . so we kept a close eye on them for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, Calvin was working with the bachelorette party on the Giant's Swing.  They had carried beverage cans down the hill, but they assured Calvin it was just root beer.  Unfortunately, he didn't discover until they had left, that there was no root in that beer!

For safety's sake, we have a no alcohol policy at Sand Creek and group number two should definitely NOT been allowed on the course.  Group number one wasn't caught with alcohol, they were just suspect.  

It made it frustrating for us for as a staff because none of us need liquid courage.  So after those two groups had  left, God sent an angel of encouragement in the form of my friend, Lee, who happened to be on her way to a party, but she was early.  When she saw the Sand Creek sign, she pulled in to check us out.  Both Calvin and I were able to talk with her for a bit and she said that when her grandchildren came out to zip, she was bringing us lunch.  

We've never had any one bring us lunch and just that encouragement made a rough day smoother!  Thanks, Lee!


Friday's Fridge Fiasco

We got a new fridge AGAIN on Friday - no need to go into those details!  Suffice it to say that while they were taking out the fridge that had come last Monday that was to large for our space, the movers asked Sam that all important question, "Where you here when they brought it in?  How did they do it?"  Then they went and did it their way which left two large scratches on the front of the fridge.  That all happened just as their supervisor pulled in to see how they were doing - arg!  Bummer for them!  The good news is that they did get the new too-large fridge out with only banging up two of our walls and the new perfect fridge is in place and ready for food!  Yay! 

"Z" is for "Ze's Diner"

It was "Happy Matt Day" on Friday, honoring Matt's adoption eighteen years ago.  Being a "Z", he decided he wanted to celebrate at "Ze's Diner" in Eagan, a 50's type bar and grill. (Hence, Bette in the corner!  She was all over the restaurant, too.)  

We all left there with just one thought, "Greas-ZE" and we won't be going back!  

Friday, July 17, 2015

Sometimes . . .

I just don't remember things like I used to and of course, I'm giving all credit to the concussion!  Here are two out of the three cakes that were were made for Matt's grad party, along with the esteemed bakers!  And yes, they were definitely as good as they looked!

Neighbor Nancy

Matt's Favorite Sister

Tumble Bumble and the Neurologist

I met with the neurologist yesterday, and yup!  It was confirmed.  I have had a traumatic brain injury.  My brain was doing what it generally does later in the day - stuttering, not recalling words - I was at my finest.  So what happens next?  Since my brain is not coming back as it should, I will be going to a brain injury clinic and they will be working with me to (hopefully) restore some of the functions that are missing.  So far, the closest clinic is at Abbott Northwestern, so my neurologist is trying to see if there is one closer to me.  Once we find a clinic, I'll start trying to find a brain!  It will take time, it will be work, but there is hope! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Friends . . .

I made Buffalo Chicken Lasagna yesterday and around 10:30 a.m., I texted our friends who just happen to be neighbors and said, "Do you want to come for supper?"  The text back came at 2:44 p.m., but I didn't find it until 5:10 p.m., "Sure, what time's supper?"  At that point, supper was in 20 minutes!  They made it, we had fun, and we were so glad they came.  The highlight?

We're in the process of getting a new fridge.  Our old fridge is gone, the new fridge that should have fit but did not fit the space is taking up a greater portion of our kitchen, and we're patiently waiting for the fridge that will fit to come.

Our friends did NOT notice!  I mean, seriously, it's still in it's new fridge wrappings and has no handles.  We talked about the fridge disaster after dinner and Jana said, "You know, I was standing there thinking I don't remember their kitchen being this small!  I always fit here before!"   Dear friends, know . . .

We believe in you,
think of you
and pray for you.
And when another day is through,
we'll still be friends with you.   
(Eagle Lake Camp Song)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tumble Bumble Update

I saw the surgeon who fixed my right ankle for my left heel this morning.  It's been hurting ever since I returned to working more hours after "The Fall".  The good news is . . . my heel is not broken!  No cam boot or cast here!  It's just severely bruised and will heal in four to five months.

To help with the healing, I'm putting these lovely silicone heel supports in my shoes and walking on air!  I'm amazed at how much the pain has already diminished . . .

Next up - the neurologist a week from tomorrow.  Why am I still bothered by lights and stuttering at night?  I hope to know more then!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Have you . . .

Have you gone to His Word and learned to select, 

like David, 

five smooth stones

you can sling at the enemy?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

I was telling the story at work today of how Sam and I met on the 4th of July! 
 And of how fireworks flew!

Happy 28th Anniversary of our meeting date, Sambo!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

"You look familiar . . ."

Monday afternoon, I worked out to Sand Creek.  Coming in I knew that we had "some group of 40".  When I got there, I saw one of the women come out of the port-a-potty, and thought, "Hmmm . . . she looks familiar."  Then I saw one of the guys and he looked like Zach, who had been in my Sunday school class a few years back.  Then I saw Natalia who was in my Sunday school class this year and I realized this group was from my church!  It doesn't take a rocket scientist . . .  

The Enemy

Almost nineteen years ago, I met the enemy for the first time.  New LIfe Family Services provided a social worker for the adoptive family and a social worker for the birth mother so that there would be no conflict of interest during the adoption process.  She was our birth mother's social worker.  And not once, but twice, she told Allison to take Matt back and to try parenting, to make sure that she did want to give him up for adoption.  And that made her the enemy because that was without a doubt the most stressful time of my life.

Fast forward to last Saturday at New Life's Walk/Run for Life.  I heard a voice saying, "Are you Margo?  Do you remember me?  I was Allison's social worker!"  THE ENEMY!  Only I had changed over the years and I had Matt and somewhere in there, she had ceased to be  "the enemy".  And, by the end of the walk, she had definitely become a friend!