Despite his passion for education, admirable work ethic and obvious intelligence, 19 year old Bernard faced a future in which he would be judged by his appearance. He would not be merited on his hard-earned qualifications nor his determination to succeed, but would be placed in a box of limitation due to the neurofibroma that had overwhelmed his face for over a decade.

When Bernard was four years old his parents first noticed a growth on his face, but were unable to get him the treatment that he needed. Hope was ignited when he was 11 and local surgeons agreed to operate. But that same flicker of hope was soon extinguished after doctors declared the condition too complex and cancelled the surgery. Bernard and his family were told they would need to pay $60,000 for a specialist and the reality of the tumor never being removed began to sink in: “That day I felt hopeless” said Bernard, his head hung. “I had told all of my friends that I was getting surgery and I had to go back defeated”.

Bernard used his disappointment to drive his efforts into school, promising to not let it affect his life. But deep down, he still waited for a phone call to say that something would and could be done. Over the years Bernard gained excellent merits at school and was striving towards a better future for himself. His father encouraged him to dream and always made sure to ask him what he wanted to become, motivating him to work hard to reach his goals.

The young dreamer soon became a top student in his class and a star achiever: “You cannot let what people say about you stop you from doing what you want to do. All my life I wanted to be something big and no matter what people said about me, I would not let it stop me.”

But all the qualifications and positivity in the world could not stop other people limiting Bernard’s ability because of his appearance: “I did not feel limited inside but I knew that my condition would restrict me externally as people would judge me.” As Bernard looked towards a college education and potential work, he knew that his tumor would play a factor in his future. “It’s great that it didn’t affect his personality or self-esteem but eventually these types of conditions can lead to further problems and it would be hard for him to get a job where he wasn’t judged” said Ward Team Leader Deb Louden (AUS), who cared for Bernard while onboard the Africa Mercy.

His school teachers knew this was a possibility and were concerned for their student. After pointing him in the direction of Mercy Ships, Bernard was given the opportunity to have surgery: “When they told me it was possible, I had a feeling of euphoria I can’t even explain!” exclaimed Bernard. But in the back of his mind was the knowledge that the removal of his genetically caused neurofibroma was no standard procedure.

Ten hours of surgery, and over 4.5 liters of blood loss later, Bernard awoke free from the weight that threatened to hold him back. Despite still feeling dizzy, disorientated and filled with drainage tubes, Bernard immediately began asking when he could return to school. At the first available opportunity he took out his study books and spoke to fellow classmates on the phone to catch up on lesson notes while down in the wards. Nothing was stopping this determined young man from taking the exams the following month that would determine his future.

Following previous disappointments and surgery cancellations, Bernard had only told a small handful of people at his school where he had been.

Maxfax patient Bernard in the ward few days after surgery
So when he walked into his exam hall filled with hundreds of his friends and schoolmates, there was an eruption of joy: “We cannot believe it!” cried one friend, “what a difference this will make to his life!”
Maxfax patient Bernard at his school
Maxfax patient Bernard at his school
Teachers and pupils began to dance and cheer as Bernard made his way to the front of the room to triumphantly greet his peers: “Before the surgery…” he began, “people would keep their distance. But now people approach me. It’s given me more confidence and self-esteem and I now have more opportunities than I had before! Thank you Mercy Ships!”