Friday, November 2, 2018

Thankful Thursday!

That was my thought as I drove in to work yesterday.  So I thanked God that I had a car to drive because so many people in this world do not  I do not have to rely on public transportation.  

Grumbling a bit that I was going to spend my time after work cleaning my house, I thanked God that I had a house to clean.  I have lived around the world, and while by America's standards my house is by NO means a castle, by the world's standards - I live in a mansion and I had the privilege of cleaning it.  

Then I thanked God for my job, because around the world so many do not have jobs.  My heart cries out for the little boys we saw in Sierra Leone who's job was to take a big rock and make it into little rocks.  Making rocks!?!  Imagine that . . . on a Thursday where I had so very much to be thankful for!

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