Saturday, July 21, 2018

"Only at Sand Creek . . . "

I don't know about you, but there are days I go to work and just think, "Oh, my goodness . . . "  Yesterday was one of those!

Our first group of zippers included five senior citizens along a mom and her ninth grade daughter.  The mom and daughter were awesome!  Three of the senior citizens were just plain fun!  One of the remaining two warned us when she first arrived that she would be fine zipping, but she would most likely need a ride up the hill.  No problem!  Glad to do that!  

That leaves one remaining senior citizen, right?  It wasn't until we were on platform two that she informed us she had had double knee replacement and wasn't able to bend her knees at all!  Seriously, when she landed on three, I wasn't sure if I should call 911 or the other staff and make sure all was okay!  It was not a happy landing and it took a very lllooonnnggg time to get her off the line!  Getting her down three became my problem - fortunately, my legs are strong and I can do strategic planning!  Uff dah!  It wasn't pretty, but it was effective.  And yes, she needed ride up the hill!  Yikes!

That brought us to our second group of the day - two buff young men from Jordan on the high ropes course!  All I could think of as they went through the course was that old Frank Sinatra song, "I did it my way . . ." because no matter what hints or thoughts or ideas we shared with them to help them through - they did it their way!

Our last group of the day was an aunt, uncle, and niece - a lovely way to end!

And now, I'm off at Sand Creek until next week . . .

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