Friday, July 5, 2019

Only at Sand Creek - on the 4th of July . . .

. . .Can you tell jokes on platform two while waiting for two late arrivals!  Did I mention bad jokes? 

Fortunately, this was a great group and they went with the flow!

. . .Can you celebrate with homemade chocolate cake with homemade butter cream icing!  Thank you, Micah! 

Each star had our name on it and since Ethan was going to take the rest of the cake home, he chose not to cut his name, but to slice up Scott and I.  I ate "go" and Scott had "tt".  I'm not sure, but Ethan and Duane must of eaten "Mar" and "Sco".

. . . Can you actually have a "bee in your bonnet"!  I was launching the above pictured group when I felt a sting under my helmet.  Sure enough, it was a bee!  Fortunately, I did not have a reaction.  But even if I had, Scott just got his paramedic license and I would have been in good hands!

Happy Fourth - just a day late!

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