Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful that God has given me understanding and grace.  

This story actually began yesterday when I visited my favorite physical therapist who shall remain unnamed.  Our game plan?  That I will no longer walk like Frankenstein!  

When I got there, my PT said, "It's so funny!  I was just talking about you last week and here you are on the schedule today."  I'm like, "What's zup?"

My favorite PT, I'm sure, does not share with all of her clients, what she has shared with me.  We're both adoptive mothers, but where I have a husband, she has a partner of the same gender.  She also has a little girl.

The topic of conversation?  Sperm donors.  She knows that that is all that our children's biological father has been in their lives - a sperm donor, not a dad, not a father.  He's never even met Micah.  Her daughter also has a sperm donor.  In this case, a "real" one that she can find out more about when she turns 18 - if she wants.  And it's hard/frustrating when people ask, "Where's the father?"  In my case, I point to Sam.  He is our children's father.  "No, I mean who is the dad?"  Still Sam, folks.  Buy a clue . . .

I understand her pain.  I'm glad that we are able to find common ground and share openly.  I get it.  Oh, that we may all be light in the darkness . . .

"Impossible means that I,
an ordinary young person,
can be love where I live.
That is Christ and
He truly does make all the difference."
Ann Kimmel 



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