This is my amazing running partner! Prior to April 14, 2017, she ran with me three days a week - never complaining about how long we went or what the weather was, ready to go at a moment's notice, giving me hand warmers on those cold winter days!
On April 14, she got her torn ACL fixed. We knew going into surgery, that she would never run again.
Two weeks after surgery, we did the happy dance! The vet said the surgeon said no more running to retrieve toys, but a straight run while on a leash would be fine - beginning July 1st.
We went early. We ran today for the first time! Annie did so well and looked so very happy. It was the "starter's run" - run for a minute, walk thirty seconds, run for a minute . . . but she hasn't limped all day. She's doing great! I, on the other hand, sucked air! You'd think all that swimming would have kept me in shape!