Sunday, April 14, 2019

It could have been worse . . .

There are stories to tell and there are stories to tell.  Today's is one of the best!

While walking Annie today, I saw neighbor K. outside.  I asked, "Ya'll have that baby yet?"  Oh, my goodness did they ever . . . 

K. proceeded to tell me that K.'s (yup, both names start with K!) water broke shortly after they put their two-year-old to bed Thursday night.  You might remember Thursday night - we were having a bit of snow and sleet and the roads were a tad icy . . . Anyway K's (the father) mom made it over in ten minutes flat to watch the two-year-old and off they went to Abbott where K., the mum, works as a nurse.  

When they hit the road construction on 35W, there was debris in the road and it took a chunk out one of the tires.  As K. pulled off the road, K. had a baby right there in the front seat of the car.  Remember, she is a nurse.  Three highway patrol cars, one police car, an ambulance and as K., the mum said, "All male. Not a woman there to help me."  She basically told them, as they opened the car door and let it sleet on her and the newborn, "Just put me in the ambulance.  We'll deal with the birthing stuff when we get there."  

Of course, when they got there all the baby rooms were full, but since they were no longer delivering, they were put in a C-section room where mum and baby were both declared healthy.

Total amount of time:  Forty minutes from when the water broke until they arrived at the hospital.  

Unfortunately, the highway patrol had the car towed - after all, it was in a road construction zone - to an impound lot where for approximately $300.00 K. got his car back yesterday.  Fortunately, it had been cool enough outside that, while it was a mess, there was no afterbirth stench.   And we all know what K. cleaned today - his car!

Meanwhile, the baby is beautiful . . .  

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