Thursday, December 13, 2018


We have neighbors who are BIG walkers and I called on those neighbors yesterday.

"My PT says I can start walking the dog again if she doesn't pull on her leash.  She wants someone to walk with me the first time in case Annie is bad and I have to quit walking her.  Are you free this afternoon?"

Sure enough, at 3:45 p.m., Bob and Chris came by to walk with Annie and I around the block.  We ran into neighbors, Tom and Nancy, as we got back to our house.  

"How'd she do?"
"I'd say she was moderate."
"Oh, I'd give her a moderate high."
"Well, on a good day, I walk 120 clicks.  We were doing around 115."
"Yeah, she did better than I thought she would."

Friends, they were NOT talking about Annie - they were talking about me!  I guess I passed the muster - and Annie did, too!  So we walked a total of two miles today - that would be two walks of one mile each!

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