Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Obviously the Wrong Patient

I had thought that Dad was scheduled for 8:00 a.m. surgery yesterday to remove a polyp on his colon, which was the cause of his blood loss last month.  When I got home from work, I called the hospital to talk to Dad.  They sent me to a nurse on his floor who said he was just coming out of surgery.  His surgery had been moved to 11:00 a.m.  Naturally, I asked how he was doing and fortunately, she was willing to tell me.  

The surgeon had been able to remove the polyp laproscopically.  In addition, he had had a segmental colectomy where they removed part of his colon and then he had a illiocolostomy where they put in a permanent colon bag.  In addition, they also performed a liver biopsy due to lesions on his liver.  

WHAT?!?  He was only supposed to have a polyp removed!  And now he had a permanent colon bag?  I was going to be sick to my stomach.  And I was . . . until . . .

I called Dad during my fifteen minute work break this morning.  My brother wasn't returning calls and my sister didn't know any more than I did ("When I called Dad he said he hadn't seen the surgeon yet today" but did she ask any questions?).  Dad sounded tired (no surprise there), but when I asked him about his colon bag, he said, "I don't have one of those."  "Yes, you do Dad.  The nurse told me about that yesterday along with your liver biopsy."  "No, they just removed the polyp laprosocpically.  My liver is just fine."  "Dad, that's not what the nurse told me . . . "

I called Dad back after work.  He assured me the procedure went as planned and it was the procedure HE told me about, not the one the nurse was telling me about.  In fact, he had been scheduled for surgery at 11:00 a.m., but he actually didn't get into surgery until closer to 3:00 p.m.

He was tired.  He was a bit hungry and bummed - he's on a liquid diet until his stitches have a chance to heal, but he is doing well.  He met with the home health nurse about assistance when he gets home . . . 

I feel bad for the other guy, but am so glad/relieved/happy that Dad's surgery went as planned.  And tonight?  I plan on sleeping!  

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