Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Golden Heart

Maybe you've met someone with a "golden heart", someone who is beyond loving and kind, generous and always giving.

Our golden heart belongs to our friend and neighbor, Jana.  She's been side-lined the last few years with a brain tumor.  Her fourth surgery was just a few months back.

When Micah came home from her pop-up shop at school yesterday, she was a bit disappointed.  She had two boxes of cookies and some cupcakes left and she didn't know what to do with them.  Both Sam and I are on spring break, so they couldn't go to our schools.

Since her last brain surgery, Jana hasn't always been able to do the acts of kindness that she's known for, particularly gifting people with yummy treats, partly due to her surgeries and partly due to the businesses she frequented have closed.

So I called Jana on Micah's behalf last night and asked her if she wanted to buy any cookies for (her daughter) Jessica's school or for church that night and told her why.  She had me put Micah on the phone, and with her usual joyful countenance said, "Hey, girlie whirl, what can I do for you?" 

Jana bought every baked good Micah had left because that is the heart of Jana who has the heart of Jesus!

Micah came home from Jana's all excited.  "Mom, I didn't charge Jana for all the cookies.  I 'forgot' about a box and she got that one for free because I'm so glad she helped me out!"  I was impressed with my daughter's cunningness and congratulated her on a job well done!  Except . . . 

We had forgotten about Jana's day job.  She's a lawyer.  She dropped off the cooler this morning and said to me, "Micah didn't charge me for a box of cookies.  I want to pay her the full amount."  I had to say, "No can do, Jana.  She so appreciated what you did for her that she wanted to gift YOU!"

I'm so grateful God has put these two giving, loving women in my life!  

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