Sunday, November 13, 2016

Only. God.

This post is reblogged from radiology tech Holly Franklin's blog, "A Path To Mercy."  It is our good God who does good things on the good ship Mercy!

I stand in total & complete awe of our God. 

He never ceases to amaze me.
The last time you heard from me, you learned about the miracle that unfolded before our eyes here on the Africa Mercy at the end of week 9. Well that miracle has continued through weeks 10 & 11.

Our aneurysm patient, whom we almost lost, 
has continued to make great strides in his recovery. 

In week 10, over the span of a few short days, we witnessed him go from:
  • Unresponsive to responsive & able to follow commands…
  • From responsive & reclined in bed to being able to sit up in bed…
  • From being able to sit up in bed to being able to sit up on the side of the bed unassisted…
  • From sitting up on the side of the bed to being able to stand to join ward worship…
  • From standing for ward worship to slowly walking around the ward…
  • From slowly walking around the ward to slowly walking in the hallway
  • From slowly walking in the hallway to steadily walking down the hallway to visit his friends…
How? How is that possible considering 
he almost lost his life just a few days earlier?

Only. God.

“Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” – Jeremiah 33:6

And what an abundance of healing, peace & truth He brought. 
I think everyone on board could feel His presence as we began a new week. 
He renewed our hopes for this patient & our spirits for our purpose here.

Weeks 10 & 11 also began our orthopedic screenings.
All of these little guys & gals are such troopers.

The severity of their bowed legs & knocked knees is unbelievable.
Yes, I’ve seen lower extremities bend in that way before,
 but as the result of a horrible accident.
Yet there they are, laying on our x-ray table…with us twisting & turning them every which way trying to accomplish the view we need…in complete stillness & quiet. And every time they look at you, they give you the sweetest little smile. It doesn’t matter that their right knee & foot are twisted to left & their left knee & foot are twisted to the right…
(think 5th position in ballet, but backwards)
A group of potential Ortho patients stand on the dock.
…they’re still content & overall, happy.
I love seeing our hallway full of these sweet kiddos & hearing their bursts of laughter. I love to see their eyes light up as we give them their own sticker covered balloon. My coworker, day crew & I love to hit the balloon back & forth with them while waiting for are images to process. You would be surprised at how quickly they can move on those little bowed legs of theirs!
After a few really difficult & emotional weeks, 
it’s been so refreshing to look at these precious faces everyday.
I’m truly enjoying every single step taken upon this path. Even those that I’m unsure I will be able to take. Because with every step I take on this path, I become stronger…both in myself & in my walk with God.

And I’m humbled, grateful & honored that He laid this path before me. It’s a privilege to be traveling it. 

“You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” -Psalm 16:11

-Please continue to pray for our patients & their healing..especially these kiddos who are about to undergo surgery to realign their lower extremities! Pray for peace & comfort for all who are in the process of being treated & their families/caregivers.-
Until next time…

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