Monday, August 7, 2017

Poltova - Day Two

After a breakfast which included chicken, of course,and a time of prayer, we divided into four groups and went into the city.  Micah and I joined the "miracle chair" team.  There we literally prayed for miracles for people.  At first just the children came, with their parents standing nearby.  

Then Ben prayed for Robert, a man from California who had had a vision that while he was in the Ukraine his knee would be healed.

Max, our interpreter, and I prayed for Ludmilla who had just been diagnosed with an inflammation in the lining of her lungs. When I finished praying, she and Max began a rapid fire conversation in Ukrainian.  It turns out that Ludmilla"s daughter had been murdered sixteen years ago and she had been bitter and angry toward God ever since.  Max prayed with her and she received forgiveness for her bitterness and anger and gave her life to the Lord.  The look of peace and joy that came over her face was absolutely radiant.

When we weren't praying, I was speaking with the Ukrainian team.  They are young and single and desired to be married.  We prayed for that.  We talked about praying specifically for a spouse and how I had prayed for and met Sam.  Then I taught them that old Larry Norman tune, "Lookin for a man of God, a man with a righteous heart . . ."  It was a lovely afternoon.

Chicken and potatoes for dinner (surprised?) and we were off to meet the band!  Sadly, no one had put the air conditioning on in the hall and we were all sweating bullets.  However, several good things happened.  I ran into Gena (use that accent!) who brought me to Marina. She had brought me a pair of earrings that she had designed.  So not my style but so absolutely beautiful because they were a gift of the heart.  I will wear them with joy. We were able to spend some time encouraging Andy, a Ukrainian believer.  Micah and I spent some time with Ben, the leader of No Longer Music.  What a gracious godly young man.  We were honored.  Then it was off to our hotel for a good night's sleep.

Interesting note: While talking with Marina that night, I found out that she met Jesus at the first No Longer Music tour in Poltava five years ago.  She had helped with their concerts ever since.  I told Kippy, our crazy drummer and Marina was interviewed by NLM to potentially be used in the future.

Second interesting note:  When your systems become corked in Ukraine, you can go to the pharmacy and purchase a package of magnesium.  Pour it into a litre of water, drink down that nasty metallic tasting stuff and within four hours, everything's all gone.

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