Monday, August 7, 2017

Karhova to Kherson

After discovering it was a five hour bus trip to the next concert location and then five plus hours back to Kherson to catch a 6:50 a.m. flight to Kiev, it was decided that we would go from the meet the band time Saturday morning directly to Kherson.  

It was a time of great sadness and many photos as we bid farewell to the bands and our new friends, the Ukrainian missionaries.  Once I get home and am able to download load we'll have a post of pictures.  Until then, know that I am ever grateful that I had this time to encourage and be encouraged by these young believers and by the bands.

Now, as only God can do, He provided us with a ride to Kherson with Pastor Sergei who just happened to be going there to see his family and then pick up a friend from the airport.

Once we checked into our hotel, this crazy group of Americans who had just enjoyed a solid week of chicken and potatoes took off for the Rock Burger Bar.  Not only did we find the absolute best bathroom in all of Ukraine, we had BEEF!!!

Micah, Jayna and I walked for a bit afterward, sharing our stories.  Then Hannah, Ben, Micah and I went out for pizza.  We declared it phone free family time and everyone got to ask one question that everyone had to answer.  The first question was "What has been your most embarrassing moment?"  We were rolling on the floor with Hannah's (Sorry.  We promised her - what was said in Ukraine, stays in Ukraine."  But if you ever get the chance to ask her, it's a good one!)  Then Ben shared his and we were literally dying!  I will not publish it in my blog, but feel free to ask me what happens to NFL players who get hit just right on national TV.  It's a hoot!

Anyway, it was off to bed early that night because we had a 3:30 a.m. wake up call!

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