Saturday, December 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday!

Actually happened on Wednesday this week and it took me until Saturday to record it!  I've had, for lack of better words, a stiff neck for the past couple of weeks.  By Wednesday it was so bad, I couldn't even turn my head.  Time to go to the chiro!  Dr. Tim could get me in at 2 p.m. and I was there.  He asked me what I did.  "Nothing. Seriously."  Obviously, he knows I usually do do something!

He took his magic fingers and went to work and worked and worked and worked.  At one point, I almost knocked him out - a little reflex reaction with the left foot - but he was ready.  He knows I don't like getting my neck adjusted!  At the end of thirty minutes, I could move my head.  Unfortunately, I was nauseous for the next two days while my muscles returned to "normal".

I'd like to say I was feeling great today, but I think I'll schedule another appointment for Monday and put the ice packs back on . . . 

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