Sunday, April 9, 2017

Moses, Jonah, Peter and Me . . .

This is the story of why Micah needed her passport renewed.  It had expired in January.  January was the month they had put missions information in the church bulletin and Micah had asked, "Can we go on a missions trip?"  I knew without a doubt she meant Uganda.  She has been talking about going back to Africa for a good solid year now and I thought, "Why not?  Let's go!"  After all, Africa is always on our heart . . .

Except she wasn't thinking of Uganda.  She wanted to go to the Ukraine.  "Mom, I've never been there!" goes the reasoning of a seventeen year old.  I said, "Sure, we could look into it" and promptly did nothing with her plea because it was a music ministry and we all know how musical I am!

Fast forward to March 5th and she's once again reading that church bulletin.  It was so much easier when she couldn't read!  Applications were due for the Ukraine trip on March 12th.  "Mom, we have to get our applications in!"  "Sure . . ."  Just like Jonah when asked to go to Ninevah, I had no need or desire to go to the Ukraine.  I did mention it was a MUSIC ministry complete with acting - and that is not my spiritual gifting, so while I didn't get on a ship to Tarsus, neither did I fill out an application until . . . Friday night!  

Then I met with the missions pastor after church on Saturday night per his request, making sure he clearly understood that I was totally fine NOT being accepted to go to the Ukraine because I am not musically inclined nor do I enjoy acting.  Do you hear a bit of Moses here?  "God send someone else!" And to clinch our rejection, I played my trump card, "Micah has severe peanut/tree nut allergies."  Tim said, "Oh, really?  So does my oldest daughter.  In fact, yesterday I had to pick her up from a speech contest and bring her to the hospital . . ."

You know we got accepted.  But I was sure Tim had made a mistake - just like Moses was sure God had chosen the wrong man - and so I met with him last Wednesday to clarify why I should not go to the Ukraine.  

"I am recovering from a concussion.  I do not sleep consistently at night.  When I do not sleep, I am tired.  I am cranky.  I stutter.  I can hide it here.  I can not hide it there."

Tim's response, "So you're telling me, that when you're tired and cranky and stuttering, you have not had enough sleep and we need to put you to bed."  "Well, yeah . . ."

There comes a point when arguing with God becomes futile.  Either you walk in obedience or you don't.  I can deny God like Peter, or I can step out on the water like Peter and walk by faith.

I know why we were chosen.  We are part of a very small group with a very specific purpose.  We are the only females.  I am the least musically talented.  One third of us have traumatic brain injuries.  All of us trust God.  And we will see His plans for us in the Ukraine come July . . .

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