Sunday, March 25, 2012

Summer Plans . . .

Wednesday night when Sam came home from work I told him I had the whole summer planned except for one day - one lousy day!  And it just wasn't coming together!  So Thursday I cleaned instead of planning and on Friday during my run, I just prayed that God would give me something - anything for that last day!  He gave me three ideas - all were okay, none were long enough for a day, but they'd do okay for short bits or fillers.  So after my shower Friday morning, I opened an e-mail from  my partner from last summer, Melissa from Australia, who asked if she could plan a day this summer.  Naturally, I e-mailed back a large resounding, "YES!" and hit her up with a few questions.  Now it's Sunday evening and I just opened a response from Melissa to my questions with a few questions of her own: 

 "If I send boomerangs, is there anywhere the kids could throw them? Would you be able to book the international lounge for an afternoon bushdance? Does the Academy have cricket bats? Is there a space to chalk out a handball game on the dock? - This would be about 6 large squares. My thoughts so far involve some australian animal art and craft, pin the tail on the kangaroo, some tim tam jenga team work and mintie wrapper creativites, watch an episode of Skippy, the bush kangaroo - a big hit in the 80s (maybe for the littlies and the younger grades!! Outdoor activities with Australian handball, boomerang throwing, elastics, tunnel ball and races involving cheesy-vegemite sticks. I thought some lamington baking for the older students (maybe while the others are watching Skippy), which can be served for afternoon tea for parents perhaps with iced vovos, Anzac biscuits and jaffas. And if you are really game, I reckon a bush dance in the afternoon with parents (or maybe invite some Aussies as well....Oh, did you know Aussies is said like 'Ozzies'?? we can't speak quite right!!!), just before the afternoon tea would be fun. At school, we all learn bushdancing, every year. It's so fun. I can send the music with the calls for each steps. Would this kind of stuff work for you?"  

I am praising God for Melissa and her enthusiasm and what looks to be quite the fun day, "Hoodwinked Down Under"!  Thank you, Melissa! 

P.S.  I have no idea what a vovo is or lamington baking or tim tam jenga, but doesn't it sound great? (:

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