Monday, March 19, 2012

Running to Ghana

Last summer while we were on the ship, I ran with my next-door neighbor, Tiffany, who also happens to be from Minnesota.  This summer, we'll have one weekend together on the ship before she goes back to Minnesota for a visit and we've decided to run from Ghana to the ship - because our friend, Sally, says it's a nice flat run and we thought it sounded cool - it's a little under a 10K so, you know, we'd have bragging rights!  Last week, Tiffany introduced me to her "Befriend-a-patient" that she and her daughter, Savannah, are spending time with while she is on the ward having surgery.  Lumen is a five year old girl who was burned severely on both feet when she was four months old and her little feet ended up in the fire.  One foot contracted up and the other contracted down, leaving her with feet half the regular length and no toes.  Surgery will release the burn contractures on each foot.  She'll have wires put in place to help retrain the tendons and muscles not to curl the way they have been for five years.  And she'll have a lot of painful dressing changes, physical therapy and skin grafts.  Meet Lumen:

 Makes running to Ghana seem silly, eh?

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