Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Horizontal Mattress

The horizontal mattress, in case you're wondering, is the name of a knot that doctor's use to suture wounds on your body that will strain.  They are far more secure than a regular suture.  How do I know?  I got two this morning, along with two regular sutures!

Today, being three weeks after Christmas, I thought it about time to pack away the Christmas dishes.  Everything was clean, no one else was in the kitchen - duty called!  

Unfortunately, when I went to grab the falling mug, I must have hit a plate that hit the floor and came back up and sliced my calf.  One look was all it took and I knew where I was spending my morning - the emergency room!  

Fortunately, I was wrong.  The urgent care around the corner was open and they did sutures.  Micah drove me over and in we went.

Unfortunately, the physician's assistant who first looked at me wasn't quite sure her sutures would hold.

Fortunately, the doctor on duty had no qualms and she was ready to perform her "horizontal mattresses."  Two horizontal mattresses (which count for a total of four sutures) and two regular sutures later, I was on my way home.

Unfortunately, I get to wear the good doctor's handiwork for fourteen days instead of the normal ten . . .    

Today's Algebraic Equation:  
(2 horizontal mattresses)(2) + 2 regular sutures = 6 stitches

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