Saturday, May 14, 2016

Weirdly Wild Work

I taught CPR courses for the Apple Valley School District this morning and when I arrived at the correct building at the correct time, the doors were locked.  Knowing that I had to set up for three classes, I called my supervisor to make sure I was at the right place!  She assured me I was and asked me to literally run around the building and see if the building supervisor was in the lower section.  Sure enough, while there were a dozen people waiting at Door 22 to get in, she was socializing in the lower level!  Her exact words?  "Oh, my goodness!  I forgot to open the doors for you!"  No lie!

Fast forward to my first class, CPR for the Lay Rescuer, and I noticed I would be up for a challenge when my first person came in with an interpreter and my second person said English was not their first language!  We slowly managed to make it through - slowest I've ever gone! - and it was time for class number two!
Fortunately, four people from my first class stayed for my second, First Aid, and by now we were all good friends!  We even had the interpreter be a victim for us!  Oh, yes, party on - but slowly!

So my third class arrived early, CPR for the Professional Rescuer, and they were giving me weird looks.  I thought it was because I was running late - which I apologized for - but no!  It was because I had had them in this very same class two years ago and they had the certificates to prove it!  So we had a family reunion and then I took the rest of the day off!

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