Saturday, August 1, 2015

At a loss . . .

"Where do you begin . . . How do you describe . . ." are words in one of my favorite songs and they're my words for our second group at Sand Creek this morning.

A mom and her two daughters hopped out of their car and said they were there for a family reunion, but it wasn't your "normal" family reunion because all of the kids were half-siblings.  Note: there were 34 kids.

It turns out that these children all had the same sperm donor.  Some were being raised by just a mom, others had two mothers and our first family there actually had a mom and a dad.  

As I put the kids up the high ropes course, it was amazing how much they all looked alike.  I mean, really looked alike.  And it was interesting to hear their stories . . .They all knew how they were conceived . . . They had all had supper with Donor Dave last night . . . They thought he was a lot of fun . . . They lived all over the United States . . . This was their third get together . . . There were like two sets of kids - the just-finishing-high-school-starting-college age group and the middle-school group . . . They knew Dave was chosen because he was tall - 6'5" - and brilliant and that he was chosen without a picture . . . They knew he was a sperm donor while he was an undergrad and a grad student . . . He's now married and he has four children of his own . . . They've met those children, too . . . They all had crooked toes . . . And there might be more - children, that is.  This group had met through a donor web site and didn't know how many more children were out there.

I have no idea where to go with this except to say that Dave is no longer donating sperm and I'm good with that.  And they really were a neat bunch of kids who all looked very much alike.  Feel free to share your thoughts . . .

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