Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An angel named Hazel . . .

On my way to my annual mammogram and physical this morning, I was rear-ended on 35W.  I in turn hit the van in front of me who hit the truck in front of him.  Yup, it was four car collision - and I got the worst of it!  Since I was already on my way to the doctor's and my car was drivable, I decided not to meet the fine folk on the ambulance crew and take myself in.  (Note:  I have been going to the same doctor for twenty-three years up at Oxboro Clinic in Bloomington.  Never in those twenty-three years have I ever seen someone at the clinic I knew at the clinic until today.)  I was ten minutes late for my mammo and decided with as much pain as my chest was in, there was no need to inflict more pain on me.  Instead, I went up to Internal Medicine to check in and there was Hazel, a friend from church.  Before I could tell her what had happened to me, she was called in to her appointment.  When I was sent downstairs for x-rays an hour and a half later - there was Hazel!  I finally shared what had happened to me and she waited for me to be finished with my appointment (bruised sternum, nothing broken) and she followed me safely home to make sure I would be okay.  Bless her for taking care of me when I so desperately needed it!

Now, if you're wondering where my husband was during this whole ordeal - I had left a message on his phone at school.  He had meetings, he was running late, he kept getting phone calls, and he was FINALLY able to check his messages (and found my message!) around 11:00.  There just happened to be a SPARE sub (like has that ever happened?) available in his building and he was able to come home and take care of me after Hazel left.  Glory be to God!

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