Sunday, November 10, 2013

Teachers Around the World . . .

We have a dear friend we met on the ship years ago 
who lives literally half way around the world.
Here in America, her job would be similar to a guidance counselor.
She's part of a small group that prays for Sam and his students on a regular basis.
Read this, her response to one of Sam's prayer requests:

Dear Margo and Sam,

I am so very sorry to hear how things are for Sam right now. Working in a school and experiencing my own stress dramas, my heart goes to Sam and every teacher in the entire world. It is one of the toughest jobs. I used to say that being a parent was the hardest job in the world, but teaching may be a close tie.

I see the faces of my colleagues and I see exhaustion, frustration and 'I can't take this anymore'. I walk into classrooms and see teachers just trying to survive the lesson before the kids move on to the next. But I see the teachers fighting too, to make every day a new and fresh day, to continue building those precious relationships with students. They turn up most days and that says much!

We celebrate International Teachers day this week, so maybe you guys do too. There is a local church having a service and they have invited teachers this year. I've not seen this before, although I'm sure it would happen in church communities.

I think of Sam often and I hope and pray that his health returns and that his sleep improves. I spent all of last year having issues sleeping due to the stress around school - it was a truly awful time so I have my own experience on how difficult it can make doing your job. 

May God bless you, Sam, for the awesome job you do as a teacher, caring for kids.

Please take a moment and pray for my favorite teacher (Sam!),
the one who wrote this (God knows her name!),
and any other teacher you may know.
Thank you - from around the world! 

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